Saturday 21 May 2011

IN3D Project 1 - Part 1


The story is about a drum pad which happened to roll down the tracks while the train is still on the move. A train travels from station to station. While the train was happily moving along, suddenly, the train was vibrating vigorously. The train could not stop on time although it was moving as fast as it could. Unfortunately, there were blocks blocking the way and the train crashed into the blocks and was hit by the drum pad.

Shape of Drum Pad

Amount and Type of Surface Details: 
- The center of the drum pad where we used to hit on, is a little bit rough.
- As for the rim surrounding the drum pad, its texture is smooth.
- There are also bumps at the bottom of the drum pad.

Number and Type of Primitive Parts:
- The drum pad is mostly made up of cylindrical shapes.
- At the bottom of it, there are rectangles and a hexagon.

Technical Aspects to be used:
- Extrusion: For the rim and the bottom part of the drum pad.
- Beveling: For the whole drum pad.
- Booleans > Difference: To create the hole for the ring and the screws.

Wire frame Sketches

Top View

Bottom View

Design of Original Drum Pad

Top View

Bottom View

Side View

Research - A Snare Drum which is similar to the Drum Pad

Side View

Bottom View

This is a snare drum which is similar to my final object in a certain way. It is cylindrical in shape just like the drum pad. The snare drum has screws that are extended at the side around the rim, while the drum pad also has screws surrounding the rim. One thing that is different about the drum pad and the snare drum is their parts at the bottom. The drum pad has 8 extruded lines, an extruded ring, a rubber surrounding it, and a hexagon-shaped screw, while the snare drum has a smooth surface with a metal chain in the middle.

Self-Critique - Final Model

Top View



Side View

Bottom View



Success of my Final Model:

Extrusion Method - My first conception was doing the extruded part for the bottom part of the drum pad and the rim at the top of the drum pad. I used to think that the extrusion method was needed. However, I did not use that extrusion method because I did not know how to select the vertices since the drum pad was a cylindrical shape. Therefore, I managed to use the rectangle polygon to make the extruded lines.

Beveling Method - I did bevel most of the parts of the drum pad such as the rim, the screws, and extruded lines at the bottom.

Booleans > Difference Method -  For the screws surrounding the rim and the hexagon screw, I used booleans > difference to create empty space in the middle of the polygon shape.

Errors Made:

With reference made from the original picture of the drum pad, as we can see there are a total of 8 screws from the top view, and there are 8 extruded lines at the bottom. However, in my final model, there are only 7 screws at the top of the drum pad, and 7 extruded lines at the bottom.

Another error is the smooth part of the drum pad which is those parts that are made of cylindrical polygons like the rubber at the bottom, the ring and the surface of the drum pad. They are meant to be smooth but somehow I do not know why it cannot be smoothen out when I select the edges. They just seem to be out of shape. I can still see the cylindrical polygons are not as smooth as the original.

Lastly, I was supposed to use the extrusion method for the extruded lines (at the bottom) and the rim (at the top) of the drum pad. I do not know how to extrude them because it was a cylindrical shape. When I select the faces that I want to extrude, the whole part of it will extrude instead of just extruding a single line. Therefore, I decided to use the polygon to create the extruded parts.

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