Wednesday 30 November 2011

Walk Cycle Animation

It is not that easy to do the walk cycle animation because it took me at least one whole day to complete the animation. I had to ensure that the person is walking naturally and not like a robot. I need to know when should the body move forward and when does the feet need to bend. It's quite fun to do the animation once I got the hang of it.

Skeleton Rigging

The human rigging was quite confusing. I had to keep on redoing because I got stuck at video 8. At that time, there was a problem with the axis rotation which affects the joints. I cannot remember clearly but I just find it difficult to do. I had to keep on watching the videos carefully and understand what they are trying to do. It took me more than a week to complete the rigging.

Friday 25 November 2011

Big Dog - Shift Weight

Ex 1
The sequence of leg movements for one complete step is that the front-right and back-left legs will move first followed by the front-left and back-right legs. This forms a complete walk cycle for the big dog. When the front-right and the back-left legs are moving forward, the front-left and back-right legs will be standing still on the ground to help balance the big dog's body weight. The same thing happens when the front-left and back-right legs move first. The front-right and back-left legs will be standing still on the ground to hold the big dog's body weight.


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Ex 2 - Final Animation

After doing this exercise a few times, I felt slightly easier to do the animation of the big dog. It is not that easy to animate the dog because I had to watch the video many times in order to get a proper animation. I need to know how to apply weight onto the body whenever the dog moves. The animation may look a bit weird but I'm proud of what I've done after all the hard work.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Shift Weight Ex 1 - Spiderman

Final Spiderman Animation

My Video

Hanani's Video

Adlina's Video

This exercise was not easy to do at first because I had to understand which way should the pose of the spiderman be when when weight is applied to the body. After doing it, I feel that it is quite simple to do (although the animation takes some time to be completed). For the 3 video references, we had to try the shift weight exercise. The first video was mine. I tried to move on one leg to the other but some how I failed to do it properly. I know it looks funny when I did it because I didn't know how to. The second video was Hanani's. This video is slightly better than what I did. She tried to add weight onto one leg to the other without moving her feet. And the last video is Adlina's. Her video may look funny because she moved too much of her waist. But overall, it was fun doing the animation.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Spiderman Posing

Pose 1

Pose 2

Pose 3

Pose 4

This topic involves a lot of time and effort. I spent at least few hours to complete the first and second poses within one day because I faced some difficulties adjusting the body parts especially the arms. The arms were twisted when I adjusted the body. It took me very long to be familiarize on how to adjust the body parts to create a pose. The pose seems to be simple but it is actually not easy to do.